
🇺🇸🗳️アメリカ共和党支持者が200人 ハリス氏の支持に 200 Republican supporters in the US have endorsed Kamala Harris.


共和政権の元高官ら200人、大統領選で民主ハリス氏支持:日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN27D3M0X20C24A8000000/










[Washington = Yukihiro Sakaguchi] More than 200 former high-ranking officials of the US Republican administration have published a letter in support of Democratic Vice President Harris in the November presidential election. Regarding former Republican President Trump, they wrote, "He kowtows to dictators like Putin (Russian President) while turning his back on his allies. This is unacceptable."

The letter was jointly issued by about 240 former staff members of former President Bush (43rd President), the late Senator John McCain, who was the Republican candidate in the 2008 presidential election, and Senator Mitt Romney, who was a candidate in 2012.

They also support President Biden, the Democratic candidate who ran against Trump in the 2020 presidential election, and have now been joined by people related to the Bush administration (41st President).

In the letter, they declare that they will vote for Harris, while pointing out that "there are many ideological differences between us, which is only natural." "Four more years of Donald Trump's chaotic leadership will hurt real people and weaken sacred institutions," it said.

"We call on you to vote for leaders who will work to unite instead of disrupt, and unite instead of divide, and who will make America and our children proud. These leaders are Harris and (Democratic vice presidential candidate and Minnesota governor) Tim Walz," it said.

The petition was signed by former President George W. Bush's (41st) chief of staff, former McCain's chief of staff, Mark Salter, and former Romney campaign manager, David Nirenberg.

Former Republican administration officials also sounded the alarm during the 2020 presidential election, in which Biden won, saying, "Trump's reelection would be a disaster for the United States, and another four years would deal an irreparable blow to democracy."

Former President George W. Bush and Romney are not on the list, but they distance themselves from Trump. He also did not attend the party's national convention, held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the Midwestern state of Wisconsin from July 15 to 18.

Meanwhile, at the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago, Illinois, in the Midwestern state of Illinois from August 19 to 22, former presidents Clinton and Obama gave speeches, demonstrating party unity. Former senior officials of the Trump administration and former Republican lawmakers attended and criticized Trump.