
🇺🇸🗳️アメリカ民主党大会 Thank you Joe!


バイデン氏、政治歴50年「最善尽くした」 涙ぐむ場面も:日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOGN200CG0Q4A820C2000000/




Regarding Harris, he expressed his expectations, saying, "She will be a president that our children look up to and that world leaders respect. She will be a historic president that we can all be proud of and that will leave a mark on the future of the United States."

Regarding former President Trump, who is seeking a comeback as the Republican presidential candidate, he warned, "He is promising to become a dictator on his first day in office. We must not let him do that." He appealed, "Independents, Republicans, and Democrats, we saved democracy in 2020. We must save it again in 2024."

"When I became a senator, I was too young, not even 30 years old, but I am too old to continue as president," he said, acknowledging his concerns about his age. "I love the job of president, but I love this country even more," he said, showing his intention to entrust the position to the next generation while exuding regret.