
🇺🇸🛸🚀ボーイング宇宙船帰還遅れ 計画に疑問符Boeing spacecraft return delay puts planning in doubt 


ボーイング宇宙船帰還遅れ、野口聡一氏「計画に疑問符」:日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOSG262C80W4A720C2000000/














A malfunction occurred with Starliner, a new manned spacecraft developed by Boeing that docked with the International Space Station (ISS) in early June, preventing it from returning to Earth. In an interview with the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, former Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Noguchi Soichi pointed out that "dark clouds are hanging over the plan itself, and question marks are hanging over it." The Q&A is as follows:

--Two astronauts have arrived at the ISS on the Starliner, and nine people are now staying there, up from the usual seven. Will infrastructure such as food and water be able to be maintained?

"There are no problems. The ISS was in danger of being unable to transport supplies after the NASA Space Shuttle and the Russian Soyuz had accidents. In light of this, we have supplies. A supply ship comes every two months."

"We have a lot of oxygen, including for experiments. We reuse water and have a stockpile, so there is no shortage. Food was discussed when the Space Shuttle was retired and the Soyuz accident occurred. When I was working there, there was a rule that we had to secure a minimum of 2,190 days' worth of food. In the case of seven people, each person would have It's about 300 days' worth. In the past, they hurriedly replenished supplies when the supply fell below 2,400 days, so there must be a lot left over. There are no problems with the ISS's facilities, and for example, there is a stockpile of air conditioner filters for several years."

"The problem is the mental state of the astronauts. Will they be able to maintain their morale when their stay turns from a week to three months? For other astronauts, when the number of people increases from seven to nine, it is a positive thing in the sense that there will be more manpower, but there will also be more work to maintain the facilities."

--How long can astronauts stay on the ISS in the first place?

"A six-month stay can be extended by another six months. In recent years, astronauts have been staying for a year almost every year. There is medical data on six months in space, but if we aim for Mars in the future, it is said that this will be three years. Both the United States and Russia want to collect data from a one-year stay. I think that current astronauts are going to the ISS with the mindset that, 'I might stay for a year depending on the situation.'"

--SpaceX's spacecraft, Crew Dragon, is scheduled to head to the ISS in mid-August. What impact will docking with the ISS have?

"There are spots on the ISS that are easy to dock at. It's common for previously docked spacecraft to vacate those spots to accommodate new spacecraft. However, Starliner leaked helium during launch, and an anomaly in its attitude control thrusters was found when it arrived at the ISS. Undocking and moving it to another location would require attitude control. Will they ask for that work when there are doubts about attitude control? SpaceX's spacecraft can be docked even in places where it's difficult to dock. It won't be easy, but will they ask for a troublesome method? Both are possible."

--If it's difficult to return with Starliner, how will astronauts get back to Earth?

"If we don't return with Starliner, it's the same as abandoning the Starliner project, and this will be the final decision. SpaceX's Crew Dragon seats four people, but by freeing up the luggage space, it can carry up to seven people. We could take the experimental equipment off it, install seats, and launch it as a rescue mission. SpaceX is very happy, but NASA will need to make a political decision."

--What do you think about the future operation of Starliner?

"This was a test flight, and if we pass it with perfect marks, it will lead to full-scale operation. There are dark clouds hanging over the Starliner plan itself, and question marks are on it. If it can return, there will be a chance to continue, including finding out the cause, but if we give up on the return journey and scrap it, international partners will say, 'We don't want to ride it,' and it will not be usable as a spacecraft to travel to and from the ISS."